Explore the EmeraldEXPLORER Loyalty Club

Join the EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club and enjoy exclusive benefits as you explore luxury cruise destinations worldwide. Earn points effortlessly on every river or yacht cruise, with higher suite categories earning more rewards. From savings on future trips to early access to itineraries, our program is designed to thank and reward you for your continued support. Membership begins automatically after your first cruise—start building points and unlocking perks today!

Loyalty tier benefits

EmeraldEXPLORER’s loyalty club has three tiers: Silver, Gold, and Diamond, with the benefits increasing with each tier you progress to. Take a look at all the exclusive benefits that await you.

Benefits effective February 1, 2025. 

Refer a Friend Booking Discount

After your journey, you’ll receive a Refer-a-Friend Voucher via email within four days. Share this exclusive $100 per person discount with friends or family by forwarding the email. Both you and your referred friend enjoy the discount on your next trip. Mention the voucher when booking to redeem the offer. Plus, referred friends automatically join the EmeraldEXPLORER loyalty club after their first trip. (*Guests returning before February 1, 2025, receive the previous referral discount.)

A group of friends enjoying champaigne A group of friends enjoying champaigne

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